Never buy gift tags again! [super simple no-waste DIY]
green living, seasonal living, money Whitney Prendergast green living, seasonal living, money Whitney Prendergast

Never buy gift tags again! [super simple no-waste DIY]

Low-waste living isn’t always easy. Or cheap. Or all that cute, truth be told.

So when I stumble upon a waste-free solution that’s frugal, simple, and looks great, I stuff it firmly into the “keeper” pile.

This is possibly the easiest DIY ever to make gift tags out of something you already have at home.

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5 healthy autumn recipes that aren’t pumpkin spice
food, seasonal living Whitney Prendergast food, seasonal living Whitney Prendergast

5 healthy autumn recipes that aren’t pumpkin spice

Eating seasonal foods is an easy way to slow down, get present, and savor the season. I’m sharing 5 delightfully autumnal recipes that are on regular rotation here at Westwind Cottage….and none of them are pumpkin-spice-flavored. (Nothing against pumpkin spice, of course. I just want equal opportunities for the other amazing fall flavors out there. ✌️)

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