![How to compost at home for $0 [the total beginner’s guide]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e8385f1741fe57b005961f0/1602767011251-3EC5O1W7L9JHWTZCY30T/how-to-compost-at-home_8.jpg)
How to compost at home for $0 [the total beginner’s guide]
What if there were a simple way to slash your household waste by a Hagrid-sized, whopping 60% this year...without reducing your consumption AND while feeling more in tune with nature around us?
When you know how to compost at home, that’s exactly what happens. And there are ways anyone can get involved, even if you don’t have space for a compost bin.

3 easy DIY home projects to make something useful out of “waste”
Honest-to-goodness green living isn’t just crisp linen napkins and fancy glass canisters. Chopped up old t-shirts and repurposed salsa jars work fine, too. And finding purposeful uses for “waste” is its own little act of defiance…and a great reminder that we already have enough, if we just pause and look.